Home » What are we doing here? Part 1 – Frontend
We work on various projects, communicate quickly, use professional vocabulary… and sometimes forget that not everyone knows what front end, back end, deploy, or CSS is. Like all professionals, sometimes it is difficult for us to understand that our language is not always clear to everyone. Today we will try to rehabilitate ourselves a bit and explain what we mean when we say frontend.
Let’s start by explaining what a frontend is. In short – this is the part of the application, program, or website that the user sees. That’s the whole look and features of the site – all tabs, buttons, icons, pictures, text, menu, and navigation.
Of course, all these elements can be found “on the other side” of the application or website – on the backend. However, it is the front end that we can use them, and the site itself adapts to the screens of various devices. Often, whether the user will want to use the application depends on the frontend.
Frontend developer is simply a programmer who deals with the creation of the interface, i.e., as we have mentioned, the visual part of the website. Based on the backend created by the backend developer, it creates a responsive, easy-to-use layout.
Can you deal with both pages of creating pages or applications? Of course! Then we are dealing with a full-stack developer. However, this feature requires a lot of knowledge, skills, and versatility.
When it comes to technologies that we use in the front end, we try to make them as modern as possible, but we do not despise older, proven tools:
• Angular 8/9,
• TypeScript,
• JavaScript
• jQuery
• Bootstrap,